Concrete Curbing Contractors Miami

Commercial Concrete Curbing

Serving Broward County, Miami Dade County, Palm Beach County, and all of South Florida

M.A. Construction Group is a full-service concrete curbing contractor serving Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and all of South Florida. We offer concrete curbing, asphalt paving, and parking lot services such as pot hole repairs, parking lot maintenance, parking lot sealcoating and striping, concrete ramps and sidewalks, car stops, signage, catch basins, bollard poles and ADA compliance.

Concrete Curbing Services

M.A. Construction Group offers concrete curbing services throughout Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and all of South Florida. We are fully licensed and insured.

Concrete is a widely used construction material throughout the nation. It is used to build all types of public institutions and private residences. It is present in the foundations and walls of hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, homes and commercial office buildings. It can also be found throughout our transportation system in bridges, tunnels, runways and highways. There are various types of concrete curbing available on the market. Each one has has a specific purpose. M.A. Construction Group can install extruded curbing, poured in place curbing and valley curbing. It depends upon your particular property’s needs.

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Concrete Curbing Miami

What Is Concrete Curbing?

Concrete curbs, whether cast in place or installed with a slip form machine, are commonly placed along edges of pavement surfaces in parking lots and along streets or roadways. They can be used to help direct the flow of water, help prevent damage to landscaping from vehicular traffic by defining the edges of the pavement surface, separate vehicular drive lanes from pedestrian areas and can even help create barriers to tree root intrusion.

To Learn more about this popular construction material visit:

Concrete Curbing Company Palm Beach

Benefits Of Concrete Curbing

Our expert concrete crews form, pour and finish concrete curbing on your property.

  • Affordable
  • Low Maintenance
  • Strong & Durable
  • Prevents Tree Roots From Penetrating The Asphalt Parking Lot
  • In-Ground Curbing Creates A Barrier To Root Penetration